Thermostat Temperature for Summertime

Thermostat Temperature for Summertime

Thermostat Temperature for Summertime

Understanding the Ideal Thermostat Temperature for Summertime

Thermostat Temperature for Summertime

As the temperature outside begins to rise, keeping your home cool and comfortable becomes a top priority. However, it’s easy to make mistakes when it comes to setting your thermostat for the summer months. Many homeowners crank up the air conditioning to its maximum to try to beat the heat, only to end up with skyrocketing energy bills. But finding the ideal thermostat temperature is essential for staying comfortable and keeping your energy bills in check. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ideal thermostat temperature for summertime and how to maintain it.

Understand the Ideal Temperature Range

The ideal thermostat temperature range for summertime is between 72-78°F. However, the ideal temperature can vary depending on your preferences and lifestyle. If you work from home or have family members who are at home during the day, you may want to set the temperature higher to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, if there are areas in your home that tend to get warmer, you will want to adjust the temperature accordingly.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Using a programmable thermostat is an excellent way to keep your home cool and energy-efficient throughout the summer months. With this device, you can set different temperature schedules according to your daily routine. For example, you can program your thermostat to set the temperature higher while you’re away from home during the day and lower when you return home in the evening. This will help you save money on your energy bill while still keeping you comfortable.

Don’t Overwork Your HVAC System

It’s crucial not to overwork your HVAC system during the summer months. Keep in mind that the temperature outside can affect how hard your HVAC system has to work to keep your home cool. If it’s exceptionally hot outside, your system will work harder, and you may see an increase in your energy bill. To avoid this, try to keep your home as shaded as possible, close your curtains or blinds during the daytime, and make sure your filters are clean to ensure your system runs smoothly.

Use Fans to Circulate Air

Fans are an excellent tool to circulate cool air throughout your home. They work well in conjunction with your HVAC system or when used alone in rooms that don’t have air conditioning. Make sure to switch off any fans whenever you leave a room, as they don’t actually affect the temperature of the room, but only the way the air feels on your skin.

Have Your HVAC System Serviced Regularly

Having your HVAC system serviced regularly is essential, even in the summer months. Maintenance appointments can help identify potential issues before they become bigger problems, save you money on your energy bill, and prolong the life of your system. Regular maintenance ensures that your system is working efficiently and effectively to keep you comfortable all summer long.

Summer is the time to enjoy the great outdoors and soak in the sun, but it’s also the time to keep your home cool and comfortable. As we’ve discussed, there are multiple ways to achieve the ideal thermostat temperature for summertime without breaking the bank. From understanding the ideal temperature range to using a programmable thermostat, using fans to circulate air, and regular maintenance of your HVAC system; it all comes down to staying proactive to ensure you stay comfortable and save money on energy. Finally, if you’re experiencing any issues with your HVAC system, contact us today at Love and Care Heating and Air in Sacramento, California, to help you identify and solve any potential issues before they become bigger problems. 

Why Is My AC Blowing Out Warm Air?

Why Is My AC Blowing Out Warm Air

Why Is My AC Blowing Out Warm Air?

Reasons Why Your AC Might Be Blowing Out Warm Air

Why Is My AC Blowing Out Warm Air

Summer is the season of heat and you rely heavily on your air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. It can be frustrating to turn on your AC and feel warm air blowing instead of that refreshing cool breeze. But what is causing your AC to malfunction like this? In this blog post, we will examine the most common reasons why your AC is blowing out warm air so that you can troubleshoot the issue yourself or contact an HVAC expert in Sacramento, California.

Dirty Air Filters

The most common cause of warm air blowing from your AC is a dirty air filter. Over time, dust and dirt clog the filter, which restricts airflow to your AC unit, causing it to struggle and eventually shut down. When this happens, the air that comes out of your vents will be warm. To prevent this from happening, you should replace your air filter at least once a month, especially during the peak summer season in Sacramento, California.

Compressor Issues

Another reason that your air conditioner might be blowing out warm air is due to problems with the compressor. The compressor is the heart of your AC unit that pumps refrigerant throughout the system. If it becomes damaged or stops working, it can cause your AC to blow out warm air. These types of issues are best left to the professionals to handle, so if you suspect that your compressor is damaged, it’s important to contact an HVAC expert in Sacramento immediately.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is the chemical substance that cools the air in your AC. If your AC is blowing out warm air, it’s possible that your refrigerant levels are low. Low refrigerant levels could be due to a leak or a refrigerant charge that wasn’t properly installed. If you think that low refrigerant levels could be causing your AC to blow out warm air, contact an HVAC expert in Sacramento to come in and assess the issue.

Thermostat Issues

Your thermostat is the control center for your air conditioner. If your thermostat is malfunctioning or not working properly, it can cause warm air to blow out of your AC. Check to make sure that your thermostat is set to the right temperature and that it is working properly. If it’s not, you may need to have a professional inspect and diagnose the problem.

In summary, warm air coming from your AC is a common problem that could be caused by a variety of issues. Be sure to check your air filter, thermostat, and refrigerant levels. If you suspect that it’s a more serious issue, like a damaged compressor, it’s best to contact an HVAC expert in Sacramento to diagnose and repair the problem. At Love and Care Heating and Air, we’re here to help you keep your home comfortable all summer long. Contact us today to schedule an appointment

Can I Recycle My Old AC Units?

Can I Recycle My Old AC Units

Can I Recycle My Old AC Units?

How Can I Recycle My Old AC Units?

Can I Recycle My Old AC Units

Are you considering getting your old air conditioner replaced with a new one this summer? If so, you might be wondering what to do with your old unit. Luckily, air conditioners are recyclable, and it’s easier than ever to dispose of them properly. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of recycling your old AC unit and how to do it in Sacramento, California.

Benefits of recycling your old AC unit

Recycling your old AC unit has several benefits for both the environment and your wallet. First, by recycling, you help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Air conditioners, especially older models, contain harmful chemicals like freon, which can leak into the soil and pollute groundwater. Recycling also conserves natural resources by reusing metals like copper and steel instead of extracting them from the earth.

In addition to environmental benefits, some utility companies offer rebates or incentives for recycling old AC units. For example, SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District) offers a $50 rebate to customers who recycle their old, working AC unit and replace it with an Energy Star-certified model. PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) offers a similar program for customers in certain areas.

How to recycle your old AC unit in Sacramento

The easiest way to recycle your old AC unit in Sacramento is to contact a licensed HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) professional. Most HVAC companies offer recycling services and can properly handle the removal and disposal of your old unit. Some companies may even offer a discount on your new system installation if you recycle your old one with them.

Another option is to take your old AC unit to a recycling center. There are several recycling centers in the Sacramento area that accept air conditioners, including the Elder Creek Transfer and Recovery (ECT) and the North Area Recovery Station (NARS). However, it’s important to note that some centers may require you to remove the refrigerant from your unit before dropping it off.

Recycling your old AC unit is a simple and environmentally responsible way to dispose of it. By recycling, you help reduce waste and conserve natural resources. And, if you live in Sacramento, you may even be eligible for rebates or incentives from your utility company. When it’s time to replace your old AC unit, be sure to contact us at Love and Care Heating and Air to take it to a recycling center to ensure it’s properly disposed of.

10 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

10 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

10 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

10 Ways to Help You Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

10 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

As we all know, breathing in fresh air is essential to our health and well-being. However, we tend to overlook the air quality inside our homes, where we spend most of our time. Poor indoor air quality can lead to several respiratory issues, allergies, and even serious health concerns in the long run. But there’s good news! There are simple steps you can take to improve the air quality inside your home. In this blog post, we will provide you with 10 ways to improve indoor air quality.

1) Invest in air purifiers

Air purifiers are a great tool to filter out air pollutants and allergens. They significantly improve the indoor air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory issues. Air purifiers can be installed in specific rooms or areas of your home, where you spend most of your time.

2) Invest in HVAC filters

HVAC filters are designed to filter out air pollutants and improve indoor air quality. Regularly changing your HVAC filters will ensure that your air conditioning and heating systems work efficiently and are free of any contaminants.

3) Open windows

Allowing fresh air to circulate through your home is a simple but effective way to improve indoor air quality. Opening windows for 10 to 15 minutes a day will help remove stagnant air, circulating fresh air into your home.

4) Keep your home clean

Regularly cleaning your home’s surfaces, including carpets, floors, and furniture, prevents dust and allergens from accumulating inside.

5) Eliminate smoking and tobacco use

Tobacco smoke contains numerous toxins and carcinogens that can significantly decrease air quality. Additionally, smoking inside the house poses a severe health risk to non-smokers who share the living space. Eliminating smoking and tobacco use altogether will significantly improve indoor air quality.

6) Proper ventilation

Proper ventilation helps remove pollutants from your home, including cooking fumes, smoke, and moisture. Installing proper ventilation in your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry rooms will keep the air fresh and free of pollutants.

7) Keep indoor humidity levels optimal

High humidity can lead to the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria that significantly impact indoor air quality. It is advisable to keep indoor humidity levels between 30-50% to prevent the growth of these harmful bacteria.

8) Use natural air fresheners

Artificial air fresheners contain harmful toxins that reduce indoor air quality. Instead, opt for natural air fresheners like essential oils, indoor plants, and natural cleaning products.

9) Avoid using harsh chemicals

Common household cleaning agents often contain harsh chemicals that can pollute indoor air quality. Look for eco-friendly and natural options when purchasing cleaning products.

10) Regular maintenance of HVAC systems

Regular maintenance of HVAC systems like air conditioning and heating units helps keep the air clean and circulate effectively. Regular cleaning, servicing, and maintenance prevent the build-up of pollutants and improve ventilation, leading to better indoor air quality.

By following these ten simple steps to improve indoor air quality, you can breathe easy, stay healthy, and enjoy a clean and fresh environment inside your home. You can also rely on us at Love and Care, your trusted local HVAC service provider in Sacramento, California, to ensure that your home’s heating and air conditioning systems are working efficiently and safely. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the air inside your home is clean and healthy.

How to Stop Condensation on Your AC Ducts

How to Stop Condensation on Your AC Ducts

How to Stop Condensation on Your AC Ducts

How to Stop Condensation on Your AC Ducts: Tips from HVAC Experts

How to Stop Condensation on Your AC Ducts

If you’re experiencing condensation on your AC ducts, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem that HVAC contractors encounter. Condensation occurs when there’s a difference between the temperature in your ducts and the surrounding air, causing moisture to form on the ducts’ surface.

The problem with condensation is that if it’s not addressed, it can lead to mold growth, which can be dangerous to your health. Additionally, excessive moisture can damage your ducts, leading to expensive repairs. But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips at Love and Care Heating and Air on how to stop condensation on your AC ducts.

Insulate Your Ducts

Insulation is one of the most effective ways to prevent condensation from forming on your AC ducts. It keeps the temperature of the duct closer to the temperature of the surrounding air, minimizing the chances of condensation forming.

Increase Airflow

When the airflow in your ductwork is insufficient, moisture can accumulate, leading to condensation. To increase airflow, ensure that all your vents are open and unobstructed. Additionally, consider upgrading to a more powerful air filter that won’t impede air movement.

Repair Leaks

Leaking ducts can cause moisture to form on your AC ducts. Ensure that your ductwork is properly sealed to prevent unwanted air from entering or leaving. Repairing leaks by sealing gaps and holes in your ductwork can help prevent leaks and minimize condensation.

Install a Dehumidifier

Humidity can make moisture accumulation on your ducts worse. A dehumidifier can lower the moisture levels in the air, reducing the likelihood of condensation forming on your ducts. It’s an effective long-term solution if you live in a particularly humid or rainy region.

Have Regular HVAC Maintenance

Regular maintenance checks can help identify potential issues and prevent them from becoming more significant problems. Having an HVAC contractor inspect your ducts annually can help ensure that your ducts are appropriately functioning and free of mold and excess moisture.

Condensation can be a frustrating problem, but it’s essential to address it quickly. Ignoring condensation on your AC ducts can lead to expensive repairs and health hazards. Following the tips provided by HVAC experts – insulating your ducts, increasing airflow, repairing leaks, installing a dehumidifier, and having regular maintenance – can help minimize condensation and keep your ducts working correctly. If you’re experiencing condensation on your AC ducts, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Love and Care HVAC to address the issue before it worsens.

HVAC System Diagram

HVAC System Diagram: Everything You Need to Know

HVAC System Diagram

HVAC System Diagram: Everything You Need to Know

HVAC System Diagram: Everything You Need to Know

Are you struggling to understand how your HVAC system works? If so, you are not alone. HVAC systems are complex and can be confusing, but understanding the basics can be incredibly useful when it comes to troubleshooting and repairs. In this blog post, we will break down the components on a typical HVAC system diagram and explain their functions. Whether you are a homeowner, property manager, or a building engineer, this information will be useful to you.


The thermostat is the control center of your HVAC system. It is located on a wall and allows you to adjust the temperature to your desired setting. The thermostat communicates with your system to turn it on or off, regulate the temperature, and ensure that your system operates efficiently.


The furnace is responsible for producing heat in your home. It burns fuel (usually natural gas) to produce hot air, which is then circulated throughout your home via a duct system. A furnace is typically located in a basement or utility closet.

Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger is a vital component of your furnace. It is a metal chamber that transfers heat from the burner to the air flowing through your ducts. If your heat exchanger is damaged or cracked, it can release harmful gases into your home, such as carbon monoxide. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure your heat exchanger is functioning correctly.

Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is located inside your air handler unit and is responsible for cooling the air that is circulated throughout your home. It is connected to your outdoor unit via a refrigerant line. Warm air is blown over the cold evaporator coil. This process removes the heat and moisture from the air to make it cool and dry.

Air Conditioner

The air conditioner is the outdoor unit of your HVAC system, and it removes heat from the air in your home. It works in conjunction with the indoor unit, including the evaporator coil, to create conditioned air that is circulated throughout your home. A well-maintained air conditioner is essential to ensure energy efficiency and cool, comfortable indoor temperatures.

Understanding the components of your HVAC system is critical to maintaining your system and getting the best performance. Regular HVAC maintenance is essential. Knowing how your system works can be helpful when you need to troubleshoot issues or communicate with HVAC professionals. If you need HVAC service or repair, contact our experts at Love and Care Heating and Air. We serve Sacramento, California, and the surrounding areas. We provide reliable and affordable HVAC services, including installation, maintenance, and repair. Contact us today, and let us help make your home comfortable and efficient.

How Often Should I Change My Home Air Filters

How Often Should I Change My Home Air Filters

How Often Should I Change My Home Air Filters

Warning Signs And Common Problems With Your HVAC System

How Often Should I Change My Home Air Filters

The Importance of Changing Your Home Air Filters: A Guide for Sacramento Homeowners

As Sacramento homeowners, we often overlook one of the most essential elements that can impact our indoor air quality: air filters. The air filters in your home play a significant role in ensuring that your family breathes in clean and healthy air. Along with regular maintenance, changing your air filters is crucial to improve your indoor air quality and prevent allergies or respiratory issues. However, one question that frequently pops up is, how often should I change my air filters? In this blog post, we explore the importance of changing your air filters and how often you should do it to maintain a healthy home environment.

Why is Changing Your Air Filters Important?

Air filters play a crucial role in trapping pollutants, allergens, and dust particles that can harm your family’s health. Over time, these particles accumulate in your air filters, reducing their effectiveness in keeping your indoor air clean. When your filters get clogged and dirty, your HVAC system has to work harder to circulate the air through your house, which increases energy bills and wear and tear on your system. If you have pets, live in a high pollen area, or have an older home, it is essential to change your air filters more frequently to ensure optimal air quality.

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filters?

The right time to change your air filters depends on various factors such as the type of filter, the number of people, pets, and their activity levels. Generally, you should change your filters at least every 90 days. However, if you have pets or suffer from allergies, you may need to change your filters every 30 to 60 days. If you have a family member that smokes or have a high amount of dust or construction work happening, consider changing your air filters every 20 to 45 days. Checking and replacing your air filters regularly is an essential part of maintaining a healthy home environment.

Different Types of Filters:

There are several different types of air filters that vary in quality, efficiency, and price. The most common filter types include fiberglass, pleated, high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA), and washable air filters. Fiberglass filters are the most affordable option, but they are less effective than other filters due to their inability to capture smaller particles such as mold, pollen or pet dander. Pleated filters are the most popular type of air filter as they are more efficient in capturing smaller particles like pet dander and spores. HEPA filters are the most effective in capturing smaller microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and smoke, making them ideal for those with allergy or respiratory issues. Washable air filters have an eco-friendly design and can be cleaned and reused multiple times, making them a good option for homeowners who want to reduce waste.

Contact Us Today!

Maintaining healthy indoor air quality is an essential aspect of creating a comfortable home environment. Changing your air filters is a simple, yet effective way to boost your indoor air quality and reduce the risk of allergies, respiratory issues and energy bills. While the general rule of thumb is to change your air filters every 90 days, make sure you consider your family’s needs and your home environment. By regularly checking and replacing your air filters, you will create a healthier, happier, and more energy-efficient home. At Love & Care Air, we provide high-quality air filter services to help you keep your home free from harmful pollutants and allergies. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can improve your indoor air quality.

How Long Should my HVAC System Last?

How Long Should my HVAC System Last

How Long Should my HVAC System Last?

Warning Signs And Common Problems With Your HVAC System

How Long Should my HVAC System Last

Maximize the Lifespan of Your HVAC Unit

If you are like many homeowners, you have likely asked yourself “how long should my HVAC system last?” Generally speaking, a quality HVAC unit should last between 10 and 15 years. However, there are some factors that can impact the lifespan of your system, including how well it is maintained and how often it is used. Read on to learn more about how you can maximize the lifespan of your HVAC unit.

Regular HVAC Maintenance

The best way to ensure that your system runs efficiently and lasts as long as possible is with regular hvac maintenance. This includes changing filters, cleaning air ducts, testing safety controls, checking for gas leaks, and more. Regularly scheduled maintenance can also help you save money in the long run by ensuring that your system runs at optimal efficiency and does not need any costly repairs or replacements down the line. Many of our customers love our club membership program that allows regular seasonal maintenance as well as priority service.

Choose Quality Brand HVAC Equipment

When selecting an HVAC unit for your home, make sure to purchase a quality brand from a reputable dealer. Quality brands will provide better energy efficiency ratings and longer warranties than their cheaper counterparts. Additionally, quality units are built with sturdier components that are less likely to break down over time. Our team will help you weigh the pros and cons of each brand without bias. 

Consistent Use Of Your HVAC System

To get the most out of your HVAC system, use it consistently throughout the year rather than occasionally running it during extreme weather conditions. Consistent use allows for continuous operation of all components in your unit which reduces wear and tear on individual parts. Additionally, consistent use keeps all mechanical parts lubricated which helps reduce friction and extend their life span significantly.

With proper maintenance and regular use of a quality brand unit, you should be able to enjoy between 10-15 years out of your HVAC system before needing any major repairs or replacements. Keep these tips in mind when buying an HVAC unit for your Sacramento area home so that you can maximize its lifespan for years to come!

Why HVAC Contractor Guarantees Matter

Why HVAC Contractor Guarantees Matter

Why HVAC Contractor Guarantees Matter

Why Guarantees Matter When Choosing an HVAC Contractor

Why HVAC Contractor Guarantees Matter

Investing in a good heating and air conditioning system is one of the most important decisions a homeowner can make. Such systems provide years of comfort and convenience, but only if they are properly installed and maintained. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right HVAC contractor when embarking on such a project. One way to ensure you are selecting the right contractor is by looking at their guarantees. Read on to find out why guarantees matter when choosing an HVAC contractor.

HVAC Contractor Experience Matters

When selecting an HVAC contractor, experience should be at the top of your list of must-haves for any prospective contractors. Experienced contractors are more likely to understand all aspects of your project and have the skillset necessary to get the job done without running into issues down the line. The longer a company has been operating and providing services, the better chance you have of getting quality work done. Many companies will offer guarantees based on how many years they have been in business, so this is something you should look into when researching potential contractors.

Reputation Matters

In addition to experience, reputation also matters when selecting an HVAC contractor. A reputable company will typically offer some form of guarantee that they will stand behind their work and honor any warranties they may offer with their services. Reading reviews from past customers can help give you an idea of what kind of service you can expect from a particular company before signing up with them for your project. Furthermore, reputable companies will also provide emergency services in case something goes wrong after hours or during holidays, which is another consideration when making your selection. 

Love And Care Heating And Air Guarantees

The Love & Care HVAC team guarantees customer satisfaction from start to finish. Customers who choose us can rest assured that they are getting top quality service and products, with a seamless HVAC  installation process. We only use the best parts and materials in our repairs and install processes. Our technicians are highly trained professionals who have undergone rigorous training in order to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction. We also guarantee 100% customer satisfaction with all of our services, which means that if customers are not completely satisfied with the quality of work that has been done, we will work hard to remedy any issues as quickly as possible.

We employ only the most experienced technicians who are well-versed in local building codes and regulations so that customers can have peace of mind knowing their project meets or exceeds industry standards. 

Choosing an HVAC contractor is not something that should be taken lightly; it requires careful consideration and research on your part as a homeowner. One key factor that should be considered is the type of guarantee offered by potential contractors; this will give you peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected against any unforeseen issues that may arise during installation or maintenance processes down the road. Sacramento homeowners should do their due diligence in researching guarantees when choosing an experienced, reputable HVAC contractor for their project needs!

Choosing A New HVAC System

Choosing A New HVAC System

Choosing A New HVAC System

How to Choose the Right
HVAC System for Your Home

Choosing A New HVAC System

Choosing a new HVAC system for your home is an important decision. Not only does the right system make your home more comfortable, but it can also save you money on energy bills in the long run. With so many options available from size to brand we are here to help you make the right choice for your family. While it can be difficult to know which new HVAC equipment is the right choice, we will provide some tips to help you make the right choice when selecting a new HVAC system for your Sacramento area home.

Understanding Your HVAC System Needs 

The first step in selecting a new HVAC system is to understand what kind of heating and air system will best meet your needs. Consider factors such as size, location, and climate control requirements. If you live in an area with fluctuating seasonal temperatures (such as Sacramento), a more advanced climate control system may be required to keep your home comfortable all year round. Additionally, if your house is large or has multiple levels that need heating and cooling, then you may want to consider investing in a larger or multi-zone unit that can provide efficient temperature control to multiple areas of your home at once. We often think the HVAC system that was built with our home is easy to replace with the same make, model and brand. Sometimes that is ok, but we encourage homeowners to consider the way air flows through your home when you need it most and make note of any rooms that get too hot or cold, etc. 

Researching Different HVAC Systems

Once you have assessed your needs, it’s time to start researching different heating and air systems that could work for your home. Looking at ratings and reviews from other homeowners can give you valuable insight into how well certain systems perform. Researching energy efficiency ratings is also important; these ratings will tell you how much energy each unit uses (and thus how much money it could save on energy bills). Finally, don’t forget about installation costs. Professional installation by the right HVAC contractor who guarantee the safety of your home and family matter.

Scheduling An Appointment With A Professional HVAC Installer

Finally, once you have decided which type of HVAC system is best for your home, it’s time to contact an experienced HVAC technician in the Sacramento area who can help with installation and maintenance of the unit. A good HVAC technician will be able to provide advice and guidance on choosing the right system based on factors such as size and energy efficiency ratings and will be able to answer any questions you have about installation or maintenance of the unit over its lifetime.

Selecting a new HVAC system for your Sacramento area home doesn’t have to be overwhelming; with proper research and guidance from an experienced professionals like Love And Care Heating And Air, you can choose exactly the right unit for your needs without breaking the bank! Remember that understanding exactly what kind of system will work best in terms of size, location requirements, climate control needs, energy efficiency ratings and installation costs are all key considerations when choosing a new HVAC unit. Once all these factors are taken into account and researched properly then contacting an experienced technician should be done before making any final decisions about purchasing a new HVAC system – we will make sure everything goes smoothly during installation so that you won’t have any problems down the line! So don’t wait – get started today selecting the perfect HVAC system for your Sacramento area home!