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Setting Up Your Air Conditioner for Maximum Efficiency

Maximizing Your Air Conditioner's Efficiency: A Guide

Setting Up Your Air Conditioner for Maximum Efficiency

Summer in Sacramento, California is no joke. The sweltering heat can be unbearable, making every household call for their trusty air conditioning units. With this in mind, homeowners are often wondering about getting the best cooling power out of their AC systems without making a dent on their energy bills. In this article, we will provide insights to equip homeowners with ways for setting up your air conditioner for maximum efficiency in the summer season. 

Clean Your AC Filters

The first step in maximizing your AC efficiency is to keep your filters spanking clean. Dirty air filters can cause your air conditioner to struggle, preventing cool air from being pushed into your home. Experts recommend checking your AC filters regularly and replacing them once every month or two, depending on usage. Clean filters can drastically improve your AC’s energy efficiency, while also preventing respiratory harm from polluted indoor air.

Seal Your Home Properly

Keep the cool air indoors by sealing and insulating your home, especially during the summer months. Be sure to close all windows and doors, ensuring that the cooler air stays inside. It is also helpful to seal any leaks or gaps in the ceiling, walls, and floors. This will keep your home cool, save energy, and reduce your air conditioner’s load, increasing its efficiency and reducing monthly energy bills.

Invest in Smart Thermostats

When your home’s temperature is higher than it should be, your air conditioner works hard to bring it down to the desired level, which can be a waste of energy. Fortunately, smart thermostats can come in handy, allowing homeowners to control their home’s temperature no matter where they are. A programmable thermostat will help you set the temperature to automatically adjust to your lifestyle or schedule. Investing in a smart thermostat can result in a massive improvement in your energy bills, while also optimizing your AC system’s efficiency.

Regular Maintenance and Tune-ups

Regular maintenance and tune-ups would not only prolong the lifespan of your AC unit but can also guarantee improved energy efficiency. Call for professional HVAC services at least once a year to check your AC for wear and tear, identify any problems, and give it a much-needed tune-up. Proper annual maintenance will not only boost your air conditioner’s efficiency but also uncover potential issues and prevent them from becoming costly repairs.

Keep AC Units Shaded

Exposing your air conditioning unit to the sun can be detrimental to its efficiency. This is because the hot sun rays can strain the system when it is trying to cool down your home. To mitigate this, provide shade for your AC unit by placing it in a shaded area or building a shade over it. Block any direct sunlight that strikes the windows too by using shades, curtains, or blinds. This will keep your home cooler and make your air conditioner’s job a little easier.

With just a few tweaks and additions to your AC maintenance routine, residential homeowners can increase their air conditioning unit’s efficiency, reduce their energy bills, and prepare for scorching summer days. Remember to clean your AC filters, seal your home properly, invest in smart thermostats, schedule regular AC maintenance, and shade your units for maximum efficiency. For any assistance in getting your air conditioner in shape, contact our team at Love and Care Heating and Air in Sacramento, California, and stay cool all summer.